raymonde Wrigley
2005-01-06 06:00:42 UTC
VCSC-Get it immediately - in next week there
will be major promotions and it is expected to
have high gains immediately over the next 10 days
with massive promotions via fax starting wednesday
evening throughout the week and weekend. This stock
is Hot and is our number one pick for first quarter
of 2005.
Breaking NEWS: (VCSC)Vocalscape Announces License
Agreement and Partnership with Netfone Services Inc.
Huge News For:VCSC..this issue will explode in next
2-5 days - big PR campaign underway
Watch out for it . Jump on board .. Stock expected
to hit two dollars by the end of the month!
Projected price in 3-5 days: 0.75 - 0.96
Projected price in 10-20 days : 2.00
MicroCap Marketing PLAY OF THE MONTH for our
investors is Vocalscape, Inc.
VCSC*HUGE NEWS released:
Vocalscape, Inc. is an emerging developer of interactive
communication software. The Company has created software
and interactive solutions revolving around global
communications and Data Voice Convergence. Vocalscape
focuses on adding to customer's website and customer
support centers by integrating website solutions that
enable real human assistance, live interaction services
such as instant messaging, voice over the Internet
(VoIP) and interactive desktop solutions sharing
As previously announced on August 20, 2004 Vocalscape
has executed a Letter of Intent to Acquire 100% of
NTELX, Inc. The company has created software and
interactive solutions revolving around global
communications and DATA & VOICE convergence. Our
strategy is to focus on VoIP communication solutions
that bring a full range of communications software,
and services together to solve business problems
and add value to our customers.
According to Infonetics Research's quarterly market
share and forecast service, Next Gen Voice Products,
worldwide next generation voice product revenue totaled
389m in 2Q 2004, up 10 percent from 1Q 2004 and up 21
percent year-over-year. Annual revenue is projected
to grow from $1.3b in 2003 to $4.8b in 2007.
KATONAH, N.Y., Jan. 3 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -
Vocalscape Inc.(TM) (VCSC), announces
the company has entered into a licensing agreement
with Netfone Services Inc. to license Vocalscape's
proprietary Eyefon, an award winning VoIP soft phone
and Vocalscape's pre-paid calling card cluster solution.
*Don't Wait Get VCSC_Today, Great Profits This Week*
Please be advised that nothing within this email shall
cons titute a soli citation or an invi tation to get p osition
in or se ll an y se, curity ment ioned herein. This newsletter
is neither a registered investment advisor nor affiliated
with any bro ker or de, aler. All sta tements ma de are our
exp ress opinion only and sh ould be trea ted as such. We
may o wn, take po sition and se ll any secu rities men tioned
at any time. This report inc ludes for ward look ing
stat ements within the mea ning of The Pri vate Se curities
Litig ation Refo rm Act of 19 95. These stat ements may
incl ude t erms as e xpect, bel ieve, may, w ill,
mov e, underv alued and int end or similar te rms.
This news letter wa s pa id 11 300 f rom third par ty to
s end thi s rep ort. trumpet
bravado garland
VCSC-Get it immediately - in next week there
will be major promotions and it is expected to
have high gains immediately over the next 10 days
with massive promotions via fax starting wednesday
evening throughout the week and weekend. This stock
is Hot and is our number one pick for first quarter
of 2005.
Breaking NEWS: (VCSC)Vocalscape Announces License
Agreement and Partnership with Netfone Services Inc.
Huge News For:VCSC..this issue will explode in next
2-5 days - big PR campaign underway
Watch out for it . Jump on board .. Stock expected
to hit two dollars by the end of the month!
Projected price in 3-5 days: 0.75 - 0.96
Projected price in 10-20 days : 2.00
MicroCap Marketing PLAY OF THE MONTH for our
investors is Vocalscape, Inc.
VCSC*HUGE NEWS released:
Vocalscape, Inc. is an emerging developer of interactive
communication software. The Company has created software
and interactive solutions revolving around global
communications and Data Voice Convergence. Vocalscape
focuses on adding to customer's website and customer
support centers by integrating website solutions that
enable real human assistance, live interaction services
such as instant messaging, voice over the Internet
(VoIP) and interactive desktop solutions sharing
As previously announced on August 20, 2004 Vocalscape
has executed a Letter of Intent to Acquire 100% of
NTELX, Inc. The company has created software and
interactive solutions revolving around global
communications and DATA & VOICE convergence. Our
strategy is to focus on VoIP communication solutions
that bring a full range of communications software,
and services together to solve business problems
and add value to our customers.
According to Infonetics Research's quarterly market
share and forecast service, Next Gen Voice Products,
worldwide next generation voice product revenue totaled
389m in 2Q 2004, up 10 percent from 1Q 2004 and up 21
percent year-over-year. Annual revenue is projected
to grow from $1.3b in 2003 to $4.8b in 2007.
KATONAH, N.Y., Jan. 3 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -
Vocalscape Inc.(TM) (VCSC), announces
the company has entered into a licensing agreement
with Netfone Services Inc. to license Vocalscape's
proprietary Eyefon, an award winning VoIP soft phone
and Vocalscape's pre-paid calling card cluster solution.
*Don't Wait Get VCSC_Today, Great Profits This Week*
Please be advised that nothing within this email shall
cons titute a soli citation or an invi tation to get p osition
in or se ll an y se, curity ment ioned herein. This newsletter
is neither a registered investment advisor nor affiliated
with any bro ker or de, aler. All sta tements ma de are our
exp ress opinion only and sh ould be trea ted as such. We
may o wn, take po sition and se ll any secu rities men tioned
at any time. This report inc ludes for ward look ing
stat ements within the mea ning of The Pri vate Se curities
Litig ation Refo rm Act of 19 95. These stat ements may
incl ude t erms as e xpect, bel ieve, may, w ill,
mov e, underv alued and int end or similar te rms.
This news letter wa s pa id 11 300 f rom third par ty to
s end thi s rep ort. trumpet
bravado garland